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Step 4 Update from Mr. Moss
September 24, 2020

After meeting with Dr. Locke, Mr. Redmon has made the call that we will be in Step 4 of our reopening plan next week (9.28 - 10.2). This means that students in grades K-5 will be learning on-campus next Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday and students in grades 6-12 will either be learning Monday & Tuesday if in Group A or Thursday & Friday if in Group B! Letters explaining to secondary parents which group their students are in were mailed to homes earlier this week and paraeducators will be following up with phone calls tomorrow to ensure all families know which days their children will be on campus.

For a detailed explanation of this along with an overview of items covered during Monday evening's Virtual Open House, please view the following video:

Lastly, please remember that when your students have on-campus days that they bring there Chromebooks with them to school.

Thank you and have a great day,

Mr. Moss  

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