Hello Rangers!
We need your help.
This year we need to review and perhaps rework our Strategic Plan deeply. Much has changed since we penned our five goals around Learning and Teaching, Communication, Technology, Facilities, and Wellness. We have learned how what we wrote in 2019 works, and what does not. For instance, PEARL's needs are not represented and our work on multi-tiered systems of support was not included, and it has become clearer that we need to specifically plan for these and other issues.
I would like to have an inclusive and representative group of students, staff, parents, and community members look closely at our current plan and create recommendations to the board for how we might adapt our plan to reflect our current needs.
To start this process, I am setting up the first of two meetings on Thursday, October 20th from 5:30 to 6:30 in the board room or via Zoom as a hybrid meeting time/date/place.
The first meeting will be to orient the attendees to the existing plan and have the affinity team (one team for each of our five goals) leaders talk about their committees, meeting times, etc. Parents, students, and community members will have the opportunity to join in scheduled meetings throughout the year for the purpose of reworking the goal areas as needed.
The second meeting, to be scheduled in the spring, will be to review the work of the affinity teams over the year and prepare a presentation for the May board meeting. I see the larger Strategic Plan team becoming mostly these affinity team members.
If you would like to participate in the initial meeting on October 20th from 5:30 to 6:30, please email Jami at jsukert@qsd48.org or call 360-765-2900 (leave a message).
See you soon,
Dr. Frank Redmon