I'd like to give a huge shoutout to this week's Students of the Week, Lane Lont & Judah Frantz! Lane was nominated by Mr. Beathard for working super hard to hit a new bench press best (180 lbs!), and Judah was nominated by Mr. Marr for his consistency in turning in top-notch work in his MS Humanities class.
Monday, January 30th will be a snow makeup day, and as such it will be a regular school day.
In this week's Weekly Update featured areas include talking about the importance of increasing student's grit in the education corner, academic recognition, upcoming events, and little league registration.
To view the Weekly Update as a PDF, please use the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/
To view the full Weekly Update video, please use the following link: https://watch.
Thank you and GO RANGERS!!!
Mr. Moss