Hello Rangers!
The snow days that happened right after the holiday break have to be made up before the end of the school year. We were not able to shift to remote learning last Monday and Tuesday because students and staff were not prepared for such a shift - students needed to have their devices and teachers needed time to prepare remote lessons.
We have already made January 28th a school day. It was a non-student workday that we moved to make up for one of the two snow days we have had.
In the survey are a few options, and room for more that we may not have thought of to make up for the other day - and I would like your opinions.
At this point, we only have one day to make up, but I would also like to hear your ideas on the best way to make up any other snow days this year.
For your reference, our school calendar in the survey.
Thank you!!
Survey Link: https://forms.gle/nyeTGcvpMANC7VGn7
The following COVID-19 restrictions will be in place for Quilcene basketball games:
1. Face coverings required.
2. Spectators must be on a pass list. Each player and coach can invite up to four people.
3. Limit to 20 guest spectators (visiting team).
4. No food or drink in the gym for spectators.
The Quilcene Booster Club Fall Sports Banquet originally scheduled for today, January 5th, has been postponed to a yet to be determined date.
The School Board Work Study on Wednesday January5th will be remote attendance only through Zoom due to the weather. To RSVP visit the link below.
Good Evening,
Due to the weather, West Sound Tech (WST) will not be in session tomorrow morning. In addition, students enrolled in the WST construction program will be learning asynchronously the remainder of the week.
Good Evening,
Due to the weather, West Sound Tech (WST) will not be in session tomorrow morning. In addition, students enrolled in the WST construction program will be learning asynchronously the remainder of the week.
Thank you,
Mr. Moss
Due to the weather, West Sound Tech (WST) will not be in session tomorrow morning. In addition, students enrolled in the WST construction program will be learning asynchronously the remainder of the week.
Thank you,
Mr. Moss program will be learning asynchronously the remainder of the week.
Thank you,
Mr. Moss
Good Afternoon,
Due to poor internet service in several areas of the district, this evening's virtual open house has been rescheduled to tomorrow evening at 5:00 pm.
Thank you,
Mr. Moss
Good Afternoon,
Upon return from break, a committee consisting of parents and staff members will begin meeting to identify what we want our middle school experience to look like next school year and beyond. For this, we're seeking parent volunteers. Please see the attached letter for details.
Thank you,
Mr. Moss
Letter from Mr. Moss (PDF)
Dear Rangers,
I am writing to make you aware of a vague and troubling threat to school safety that is being shared widely on the social media platform TikTok. The post, which originated outside our area and has been circulating at other schools, refers to a threat of violence at “every school in the USA” on Friday, December 17. While we don’t want to cause undue alarm, we also want to be transparent and notify you that this online post has gone viral across the nation.
Our school district has not received any local or direct threats. We are connected with local law enforcement and they are not aware of any threats to our schools. We are informing you of this online rumor out of an abundance of caution and because we take any threat to student or staff safety very seriously.
Even if threats posted online are not deemed credible threats, they can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety for students, families, and staff.
This issue is a reminder of the importance of communicating with your student about social media. Please take a moment to talk with your student about what they can do to be safe, kind, and responsible online.
If you or your student have any concerns about safety, share them immediately with your school administrator or office and law enforcement.
Social media draws tremendous attention from impressionable young people. Your guidance is essential to ensure your student is safe, kind, and responsible online, especially outside of school hours when they are most likely to be on social media.
Discuss and explain your expectations for online behaviors.
Connect with resources. Please reach out if your student needs support.
Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you for your continued partnership to keep our students safe.
Proud to be Ranger,
Frank Redmon
We would like to officially welcome new school board member Jon Cooke who was sworn in at last night's regular board meeting. Also sworn in for another term was incumbent Paul Mahan.
We also said good bye to outgoing board member Cindy Pollard who was presented with an award for her service. We will miss you Cindy! Thank you for all you have done for our district over the years.