Bienvenue!! ~ Welcome
Students will be asked to keep an open mind to new and different sounds, ideas, and situations. In class, we will focus on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, and the French culture. Students will work alone as well as with classmates in partnerships and groups. They will participate actively in the lessons. Because all students learn in different ways I will do my best to offer a variety of ways to help them learn and understand the French Language and Culture. My goal is to keep it fun for all students as well as myself, so let’s Have Fun together!
Classroom/Student Expectations:
- Participate in a positive way and accept the challenges of learning and speaking French.
- Contribute to class practices in a personal and meaningful manner.
- Demonstrate respect, patience and courtesy towards your classmates and teacher.
- Put quality and time in your studies.
- Complete all assignments on time in order to receive credit. I will approve extra time needed to make up work for those students with excused absences and/or students leaving early for sporting events.
- Schedule make-up quizzes and tests within a one-week period in order to receive credit.
- Be organized and come to class prepared.
- Schedule extra help when needed or when asked to.
Students will be assessed formally based on in-class oral and written assignments, quizzes, reflective learning activities and a variety of projects, done both individually and in partners. Additionally, students will be assessed based on participation and cooperative learning activities. Class participation is essential for an accurate assessment of their abilities. The more I hear them the better I can assess their skills and abilities.
Homework will be assigned occasionally. Students should be doing at least 5-10 minutes of review & studying at home. This review should include studying vocabulary taught in class, rehearsing concepts or scenarios, or review grammar concepts. Most of your homework assignments will be based on the lesson of the day, including speaking practices, memorizing vocabulary and grammatical structures (I.e. verb conjugations).
Book Description:
French II will be completing the curriculum of the French I textbook before moving into the French II textbook.
*Each student will receive a copy of the textbook that will remain at school. Students who prefer to take their textbook home may check it out of the classroom. Homework won’t be assigned from the textbook (students will receive a workbook) and notes will be provided in class. The student will be expected to pay for any loss or damages to the book.*
Major Goals and Objectives:
- The student will be able to present simple spoken and written information in French.
- The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics.
- The student will present rehearsed material in French, such as brief dialogues, poetry, or songs.
Course Requirements:
- Quizzes at the end of each lesson (approximately every 5-8 days).
- Unit tests after completing a Unit (includes 2-4 lessons)
- Vocabulary quizzes and other quizzes, both announced and unannounced (usually 1-2 per week).
- Homework and classwork assignments. Class participation counts as part of the classwork grade.
- Special projects, usually 1-2 per nine weeks, will count as a quiz or a test based on the amount of work required.
Grading Policy:
Grades are determined by a points system. Assignments will be worth more or fewer points depending on their difficulty, time required, etc. The range of available points for each assignment should allow for more flexibility and fairness in grading.
Tests: 100 points
Quizzes: 50-100 points
Homework: 5-20 points
Classwork: 5-30 points
Participation: 15 points per week
Materials Needed for this Course:
- Textbook – loaned by the school
- Workbook - provided by the school
- composition notebook with pockets for keeping handouts & worksheets
- index cards for use as vocabulary flashcards
- pencils as needed by students
Late Assignments:
If a student has an excused absence, the amount of time he/she will have to make up the work depends on the length of the absence. I usually give the student 3-4 days. Work missed due to unexcused absences requires discussion with me and I will determine if the assignment is able to be made up. Project grades will decrease by 10% for every day that they are late. This includes if a student is absent when s/he is supposed to present a conversation or project. Missed quizzes/tests should be made up as soon as possible.
I am very excited for this new school year. Let’s work together to help develop good study habits so that as the work becomes more challenging students will be better prepared for success.
French I – Textbook and Workbook ~ Discovering French Today French 1, Holt McDougal
French II – Textbook and Workbook~ Discovering French Today French 2, Holt McDougal
Please note: French II class will be completing the French I curriculum prior to beginning the French II curriculum.
Feel free to email me with any questions or comments.
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