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End of Year Letter from Mr. Moss
June 19, 2020

Dear Ranger Families,

Over the last few months we’ve had to adapt in ways we wouldn’t have been able to imagine earlier this year. In the process, we’ve come together to try to create as meaningful of learning opportunities as possible given the far from ideal circumstances. As part of this, engaging students through their own strengths and interests moved beyond what we should do and became what we must do. From this, family involvement, student choice, project- based learning, and individualization all became key components. We learned that these components were essential during the closure; they will also make school more engaging and meaningful once we return. While we don’t yet have all the answers, we’re committed to safely welcoming back students to our campus in September.

To gain a full understanding of what school will look like in the Fall, we’ve formed a reopening team that consists of over 30 people including students, parents, teachers, and administrators to begin to unpack our options in order to determine what is best for Quilcene. After meeting, the team quickly realized that to do this right, we need the input from everyone. Consequently, we’ve created both a parent reopening survey and a student reopening survey. I would ask that both parents and students entering grades 5-12 complete their surveys by next Tuesday, June 23rd. As the team gets the results back from these surveys and exactly what school will looks like becomes clearer, we will be communicating over the summer using every avenue we have available.

Over the next couple of months, I would highly encourage you to take the time to enjoy the outdoors and the weather, as we’re all greatly fortunate to be able to call this beautiful place home. During remote learning, it’s became necessary to learn through technology. I would argue that now, what’s best for kids of all ages is to put the screens away and, as my son says to me when speaking about time outdoors without technology, “get back to the basics.” Whether it be fishing, camping, hiking, gardening, kayaking, or any number of other outdoor activities you prefer, have a great summer and have fun “getting back to the basics!”

Thank you and GO RANGERS,

Sean Moss


Please click the links below to access the surveys:

Parent Survey

Student Survey

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