We hope you had a relaxing and rejuvenating Thanksgiving break with family and friends. Now that the season has turned, we're keeping a close watch on road conditions and forecasts. In the event of a delay/ closure, we'll notify everyone as soon as possible through our website and automated text system.
Next, a huge congratulations is in order for this week's Students of the Week, Abby Gearhart and Justice Ortlieb. Abby and Justice, great work in the classroom and we're proud of you!
Finally, in this week's Weekly Update sections include the upcoming Winter Workshop (this Thursday @ 5:00pm) and Quilcene Elementary Winter Show (12/20 @ 6:00pm) as well as upcoming activities for the week.
To view the Weekly Update as a PDF, please use the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/
To view the full video, please use the following link: https://watch.screencastify.
Thank you and GO RANGERS!!!
Sean Moss, Principal