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Bus Barn and Maintenance Building Replacement Project

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In 2020 the Quilcene community passed a capital levy to replace the existing Bus Barn and Maintenance Building.  With a capital levy, funds are collected on an annual basis as property taxes are paid, this means that the first half of funds from the 2020 levy are allocated to the district in early 2021.  As the dollars were made available the district joined with several private partners to support the design, permitting, construction and project management of the replacement project.

In February, the District hired OAC Services for construction management support, it was at this point where we decided to step away from the traditional, low-bid process and enter into a design-build path, where the architect and contractor would team together under a single contract.  This procurement method effectively reduces risk and gives the district cost-certainty through a guaranteed pricing agreement.  As we kicked off this multiple stage selection process, the world fell quickly and with great uncertainty into the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Shifting into a virtual selection process, we pivoted and were pleased to have seven teams from around the region submit their qualifications, interview and provide a pricing component for their operational costs.

By the time students were getting out of school, we had a contract with our design-build team WA Patriot and TCF Architecture (out of Gig Harbor and Tacoma, respectively).  The team led an accelerated process for programming and conceptual design that resulted in proposed plans into the County for the initial design review within 2 months and a formal permit submittal to the County within 4 months.

As the impacts of the pandemic went deeper and spread wider than what anyone could have anticipated, we shifted to an early steel package order prior to the final design and permitting to mitigate the long-lead fabrication and delivery schedules that our region was experiencing with steel framing.

As November came to a close, we celebrated a groundbreaking ceremony and turned the property over to WA Patriot to prepare for construction of the new Bus Barn.  The delivery of structural steel is anticipated in the coming month, so we’ll plan to see the building taking shape in February with occupancy by the end of the current school year.

While it seems like little has been done, there’s been much accomplished in the background as our team of strategic partners works diligently to help us deliver on this much needed improvement project.

Groundbreaking Ceremony

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