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PBIS Family Engagement Night

February 14, 2023

On Thursday, March 2nd, we'll be hosting a Grades P - 5 family engagement night from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm where we'll discuss how we promote positive behavior at school as well as strategies families can use at home. Dinner and childcare will be provided free of charge as will gift bags for all families.

Weekly Update 2/13/23

February 14, 2023

A huge congratulations is in order for the week's Students of the Week, Kyler Baldwin and Tucker Boling! Kyler was nominated by his Agriculture Mechanics Teacher for outstanding work in his CAD unit, and Tucker was nominated for incredible work ethic in both his MS Agriculture and MS Humanities courses.

Next, this week's Weekly Update features a highlight of the students mentioned above as well as details on "Bring a Friend to Lunch Day", which is happening tomorrow, upcoming Little League Tryouts, and Upcoming Events.

To view the Weekly Update as a PDF, please use the following link:

To view the Weekly Update Video, please use the following link:

Thank you and GO RANGERS!!!


Sean Moss, Principal

Quilcene PTK Fundraiser

February 10, 2023

The Quilcene PTK is doing a fundraiser. Please support them by ordering your Spring flower bulbs! Info is in the attached flyer!

PTK Fundraider Flyer

Weekly Update 2/06/23

February 06, 2023

A huge congratulations is in order for this week's Students of the Week, Liam Neziri and Dayton Bremsstrahlung. Liam was nominated by Mr. Weller for stellar work in Algebra, and Dayton was nominated for the same in Ms. Erickson's ELA class. Great job, Liam and Dayton!

Next, in this week's Weekly Update highlights include a bit more about the students mentioned above, saying thank you to Mrs. Jaber as we recognize School Counselor Appreciation Week, a link to our updated School Improvement Plan, details about the upcoming "Bring a Friend to Lunch" Valentines Day luncheon, and upcoming events.

To view the PDF version of the Weekly Update, please use the following link:

To view the Video version of the Weekly Update, please use the following link: https://watch.screencastify. com/v/gEjBf8R9PBjrCv9h9Dmr

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly or anyone in the front office.

Thank you for all you do!

Mr. Moss


Weekly Update 1/30/23

January 30, 2023

A huge congratulations is in order for each of this week's Students of the Week- Eli Allen and Andrew Perez. Eli was nominated for his incredible work ethic while learning 7th grade scientific notation and Andrew was nominated for working super hard to improve his Geometry grade as we headed towards the end of the first semester.

As a reminder for all Brick & Mortar staff, please make sure to check your emails daily during the school week. This is something that helps ensure we communicate effectively and is a requirement of all school staff. 

This week's Weekly Update contains areas about the Students of the Week, our upcoming "Bring a Friend to Lunch Day" which will take place on Valentines Day, the state of our yearly School Improvement Plan, current events, and an announcement that tutoring for students in grades 6-12 will continue into the second semester.

To view the PDF version of the Weekly Update, please use the following link:

To view the Video version of the Weekly Update, please use the following link:

Thank you and GO RANGERS!!!


Sean Moss, Principal

Weekly Update 1/23/23

January 24, 2023

I want to give a huge shoutout to our students of the week, Dylan Boyer and Noah Tirao! Dylan and Noah are both being recognized for excellence resulting from hard work.

In this week's Weekly Update areas include recognizing the two students named above, upcoming events, little league registration, and a reminder that the 30th will be a regular school day.

As a result of a bad link in last week's edition, this update again features an article about teaching students "grit."

To view the Weekly Update as a PDF, please use the following link:

To view the full video, please use the following link:

Thank you and GO RANGERS!!!


Sean Moss, Principal

Weekly Update 1/17/23

January 18, 2023

I'd like to give a huge shoutout to this week's Students of the Week, Lane Lont & Judah Frantz! Lane was nominated by Mr. Beathard for working super hard to hit a new bench press best (180 lbs!), and Judah was nominated by Mr. Marr for his consistency in turning in top-notch work in his MS Humanities class.

Monday, January 30th will be a snow makeup day, and as such it will be a regular school day.

In this week's Weekly Update featured areas include talking about the importance of increasing student's grit in the education corner, academic recognition, upcoming events, and little league registration.

To view the Weekly Update as a PDF, please use the following link:

To view the full Weekly Update video, please use the following link:

Thank you and GO RANGERS!!!

Mr. Moss


Weekly Update 1/09/23

January 10, 2023

I hope everyone had a relaxing and rejuvenating Winter Break! It was great seeing students and staff alike on campus today, and we couldn't be happier to start things up again.

As a quick reminder, the Elementary Winter Performance which was originally scheduled to take place before break will instead happen this Wednesday at 5:00 pm in the MPR.

In this week's Weekly Update we discuss the importance of goal setting and what SMART goals are, we recognize our student's of the week, Ammirah Woods and Destiny Hack, we talk about free after school tutoring which begins next week, and lastly cover the upcoming events for the week.

To view the Weekly Update as a PDF, please use the following link:

To view the Weekly Update video, please use the following link:

Again, welcome back and GO RANGERS!!!

Mr. Moss

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