Beginning this evening, we will be hosting virtual open houses each Monday at 6:00 pm for families and students to discuss up-to-date information and provide a time for questions.
- To access the Zoom meeting using the internet, please use the following link:
96391512040?pwd= NGdOR09XenNKa1piVVZWc0lScm9EZz 09 - To access the Zoom meeting through your phone, please call 1(253)215-8782. If prompted, the meeting ID is 963 9151 2040 and the passcode is 650757
This evening at 5:00 we will be hosting a virtual meeting with families whose children are entering the first grade to introduce Mrs. Jacquelyn Everts as Mrs. Kleinberg's leave replacement teacher.
- To access the Zoom meeting using the internet, please use the following link:
93001452236?pwd= cEU1VWtRSFF0eTVqQ096TjVtbWNJZz 09 - To access the Zoom meeting through your phone, please call 1(253)215-8782. If prompted, the meeting ID is 930 0145 2236 and the passcode is 180386
A work study meeting of the Quilcene School Board of Directors will be conducted at 6:00 pm on August 5, 2020 through a Zoom Meeting.
Pre-registration is required.
To register to attend this public meeting, please RSVP at the following link: or you can email Jami Sukert at to provide your name and contact phone number.
After registering using one of the above methods, the Zoom meeting login information will be emailed to you at 5:00 pm on Thursday, August 5th.
Exciting News!
The Quilcene School District has a mobile app that can be downloaded on your device. In the app you will be able to access the Event and School Calendars, News, Alerts,and much more. It is customizable so you only get the information you want. See the link to get information on how to download and customize.
Mobile App Instructions (PDF)
A special meeting of the Quilcene School Board of Directors will be conducted at 6:00 pm on July 27, 2020 through a Zoom Meeting.
Pre-registration is required.
To register to attend this public meeting, please RSVP at the following link: or you can email Jami Sukert at to provide your name and contact phone number.
After registering using one of the above methods, the Zoom meeting login information will be emailed to you at 5:00 pm on Thursday, July 27th.
Dear Rangers,
Last week the Quilcene School Board heard about our draft reopening plan; many of the team of people who created the plan attended the meeting. The board provided some feedback on the plan, and with that input, as well as recent developments in the resurgence of the coronavirus in Washington, the reopening team will convene in early August to adjust our work so far.
Rest assured that we are planning to open school on September 2nd, that we will have options for how students continue their learning, and that the safety of our students and staff is paramount in our planning efforts. Our decisions and what the reopening looks like will depend on the best information we have from the local and state Department of Health (DOH), along with guidance from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and Labor and Industries (L&I).
Our current plan is a draft; we are learning more about COVID-19 daily and the most up-to-date conditions in South county will inform the version that will be shown at the August 17th Board meeting. Much of the existing draft will likely remain consistent in the final version – for instance:
- When on campus, students and staff (with a very few exceptions) will be required to wear cloth face masks and we will plan for students to be at least six feet apart most of the time. Please help your children get used to wearing masks before they come to school in the fall.
- Our drinking fountains will be converted to water bottle filling stations; each student should have a washable water bottle with them when they come to school.
- When in-person school starts, our buses will be running with open windows and spreading students apart as far apart as possible. Please make sure your children are dressed for changing temperatures and variable weather.
- If you can bring your students to school rather than using the bus, please do so to help reduce the number of students on the bus.
- Students will be spending a lot more time outside when they are at school – they should have layers of clothing to keep them warm and dry in all of the conditions that we know are part of Quilcene.
I know that for some of you the idea of returning to school and all of the unknowns about coronavirus might feel unsafe. Know that we are, and will do all we can to ensure the health and safety of children and staff based on everything we know about the virus and how it spreads. We are still learning about this new disease and will continue to adjust our plans and systems as best we can.
Keep watching our website and Facebook pages; they are the best source of up-to-date information about our plans for the upcoming school year. You are welcome to contact me through email, or call the office (360-765-2900, leave a message if Jami doesn’t answer). I am happy to set up a meeting, either remote or in socially-distanced and in-person if you prefer.
Thank you, have a great summer, and Go Rangers!
Frank Redmon
The regularly scheduled monthly school board meeting for Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 has been rescheduled for Monday, August 17, 2020 to meet the OSPI time frame to submit the school district's reopening plan.
The regular meeting of the Quilcene School Board of Directors and the 2020/2021 Budget Hearing & Adoption will be conducted at 6:00 pm on July 15, 2020 through a Zoom Meeting.
Pre-registration is required.
To register to attend this public meeting, please RSVP at the following link: or you can email Jami Sukert at to provide your name and contact phone number.
After registering using one of the above methods, the Zoom meeting login information will be emailed to you at approximately 5:00 pm on Wednesday, July 15th.
July 6, 2020
Hello Rangers,
A team of community and staff members has been working hard to create a school reopening plan, and we are close to bringing a recommendation to the board. This note is to let you know some of our ideas, and to encourage you to attend the board meeting on July 15th at 6:00 (both an in-person and remote option will be available, assuming OPMA rules prohibiting in-person meetings are not extended).
Considerations for reopening are complex, and cover everything from how far students must sit from each other to how students sit on the buses to how often we sanitize surfaces in the school. To be sure, teachers have been asked to prepare for teaching in a school year in which some students will be at school, some students will get sick and have to stay at home for exptended periods, and some students won’t come to school at all. We will provide learning for all students, in all of these situations; the planning requirement is huge and our amazing staff will need more time than they would for a ‘normal’ school year.
Some quick highlights from our Reopening Team sessions:
- There will be a plan for all students to come to school most of the time. Students who cannot come, or whose families do not feel comfortable sending their children to school will be provided distance learning opportunities with their normal teacher.
- Students and staff will be required to wear face coverings, as per the Reopening Washinton Schools 2020 District Planning Guide and the related Question and Answers document. Families are expected to wash the masks daily.
- Students will be socially distanced in their classrooms and in the cafeteria. Students and staff may be closer to each other for short intervals during the school day, but the default plan is to keep a six foot distance.
- All students must have a non-disposable water bottle to use our bottle filling stations instead of using drinking fountains.
- Students will spend more time outside – make sure your children come to school dressed for outdoor activities as well as inside work – layers of clothing.
We are finalizing plans and will have more details after our board approves the plan, and will get information out to families as soon as we can. There are still many questions that must be answered – such as what will sports look like in the fall, and we will continue to learn more from the DOH, OSPI, and WIAA and pass along those developments to you.
As always, I am at your disposal if you would like to talk about our reopening plans or anything else about the school district. Please feel free to contact me through my email ( or call my office to set up a meeting (360-765-2900) in person, on zoom, or by phone.
Thank you, and GO RANGERS!
Frank Redmon