A work study meeting of the Quilcene School Board of Directors will be conducted at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 through a Zoom Meeting.
Pre-registration is required.
To register to attend this public meeting, please RSVP at the following link: https://www.qsd48.org/District/Events/2102-Board-Work-Study.html or you can email Jami Sukert at jsukert@qsd48.org to provide your name and contact phone number.
After registering using one of the above methods, the Zoom meeting login information will be emailed to you on the day of the meeting.
PSAT Test UPDATE for Quilcene 10th and 11th Graders
Many of you have been wondering about the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) for 2020. The College Board has given us an extended timeline into January. At this point in time, we are looking at a potential testing window of January 26th, depending on local health restrictions. We will be sending information about how to sign up and further details for the test in the near future.
Thank you,
Tiffiny Jaber
K-12 School Counselor
October is National Principals Month! We’ll be celebrating our P.E.A.R.L Principal Jodi Kieffer and our K -12 Principal Sean Moss all month long. #ThankAPrincipal
If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Thompson in the school office at 360-765-2905 or tthompson@qsd48.org.
After meeting with Dr. Locke, Mr. Redmon has made the call that we will be in Step 4 of our reopening plan next week (9.28 - 10.2). This means that students in grades K-5 will be learning on-campus next Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday and students in grades 6-12 will either be learning Monday & Tuesday if in Group A or Thursday & Friday if in Group B! Letters explaining to secondary parents which group their students are in were mailed to homes earlier this week and paraeducators will be following up with phone calls tomorrow to ensure all families know which days their children will be on campus.
For a detailed explanation of this along with an overview of items covered during Monday evening's Virtual Open House, please view the following video:
Lastly, please remember that when your students have on-campus days that they bring there Chromebooks with them to school.
Thank you and have a great day,
Mr. Moss
Click here to view our mask video created by Dani Dent, Dylan Quarles and Mr. Moss.
Mandatory Senior & Parent Meeting
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Start time: 6:00 PM
We will talk about the year ahead for graduation, senior portfolios, Dollars for Scholars, financial aid, and so much more.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 999 7893 0008
Passcode: 210997